Actress Jessica Larny strips naked publicly Ghanaian actress, Jessica Larny, has set users of the photo-sharing app, Instagram, on fire with the release of nude photos of herself. The actress flaunting her noticeable contours and butts, posed seductively on a motorbike while covering her boobs. Confidently showing off her body to her 28.5K followers on Instagram, she captioned the naked photo 'Beauty and the beast 2020.' Obviously, some of her followers who are not thrilled at the release of the naked photo blasted the 'Stalemate' actress and described her actions as an "attention-seeker". However, Miss Larny who seems not perturbed by the attacks also hit back at her critics with a stern warning. "If you do not understand art, don't come and comment crap on my post. Read more about art and learn swiftly," she posted on her Instagram page. Meanwhile, the photo which has been loved by over 750 people has colleague actresses M...