CORE SUBJECT TEXT BOOKS WILL BE TAKEN FROM STUDENT AS THEY MOVE ON TO THE NEXT CLASS...HEADMISTRESS KINBU S.H.S Headmistress of Kinbu Senior High revealed today upon an interview with Utv news at noon that the Core Test Books provided to The Free Education Students shall be taken from them while they move from one level to the other. The question in this case is, how will students revise their test books then since most questions are set based on what you learn from the initial state. In simple terms, we can conclude by saying the free s.h.s is to help Individuals pass through schoo ls but not to gain qualifications face life after university...... Free Education is a new policy adopted in our educational policy by the New Patriotic Party as fulfill some part of their promises by providing free schooling for Ghananaian individuals as they graduate from Junior High School to S.H.S level. However this policy according to some Ghanaaians and opposition parties describe as inappropriate due to proper planning. In view of that, this has caused and is still causing a ...